Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012

In Vitro Anti–Bacterial Activity of the Traditionally Used Aromatic Plant Ocimum Sanctum (Tulsi) Leaves Against some Dermatophytes

Milin K. Agrawal, Alka Varma

Abstract :

Resistance developed by common human pathogens against antibiotics has made it a need of the hour to search for new drugs of plant origin which are cheap, easily available and without any side effects. In the present study, the authors investigated the in-vitro bactericidal action of the leaves of Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi), a traditionally used aromatic shrub against the dermatophytic bacteria. Findings of the present study demonstrate considerable antibacterial activity of the leaf extracts against the tested human pathogens. It shows best antibacterial activity with zone of inhibition ranges 06 - 24 mm. This justifies the use of these traditional medicinal plants and further emphasizes the need to isolate and characterize the bioactive compounds for practical disease control under in vivo conditions.

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Milin K. Agrawal, Alka Varma In Vitro Anti-Bacterial Activity of the Traditionally Used Aromatic Plant Ocimum Sanctum (Tulsi) Leaves Against some Dermatophytes International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012

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