Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

Detection Of Beta Lactamase And Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern Of Staphylococci Isolated From Various Clinical Samples In Tertiary Care Hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat.

Dr. B Jagad, Dr. M Sinha, Dr. H Shingala , Dr. A Vakanee

Abstract :

Since the discovery of penicillin, beta–lactam antibiotics are among the most widely prescribed antibiotics. Resistance to beta–lactams is a common problem now a days and most common mechanism being the production of betalactamase enzyme. It was first detected in staphylococci in 1944. It has narrow spectrum of activity aimed mainly at penicillin, so also known as penicillinase. In this study various clinical samples are plated on nutrient and blood agar plates. Staphylococci were identified on basis of gram positive cocci that gives positive catalase test and further identification in to S.aureus and CONS is done with coagulase test. Production of betalactamase enzyme in these isolates was detected by cefinase disc (chromogenic cephalosporin method). Out of total 150 staphylococcal isolates, 114 (76%) showed the production of betalactamase enzyme. These isolates were subjected to amtimicrobial susceptibility testing with various drugs including cefoxitin. Antibiogram results showed that betalactamase positive isolates were more resistant to various groups of antimicrobials than betalactamase negative isolates.  

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Dr. B Jagad, Dr.M Sinha, Dr.H Shingala ,Dr.A Vakanee Detection Of Beta Lactamase And Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern Of Staphylococci Isolated From Various Clinical Samples In Tertiary Care Hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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