Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Use of fibrinolisin / deoxyribonuclease and bismutal subgalate in wound palatine mucosa repair. Histological study in rats.

Lucinara Ignez Tavares Luzzi, Antonio Adilson Soares De Lima, Vinicius Augusto Tramontina, Vula Papalexiou, Sonia Mara Luczsyzyn, Sung Hyun Kim, Paula Bernardon, Adriane Martinez, George Borja De Freitas

Abstract :

This studyevaluatedhistological repair process in rats palatine mucosa with fiinolysin–deoxyribonuclease application associated or not with bismuth subgalate. 75 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups. Wounds were made in the central region of the third palatal fold. The control group received saline gauze compression, group test 1saline gauze compression and fiinolysin–deoxyribonuclease and test 2bismuth subgallate and fiinolysin–deoxyribonuclease application. Ingroup 1, the clot presence was lower at 3 and 7 day (p <0.05). Control group showed greater necrosis presence in relation to others (p <0.05). The linear measure was lower in 1 than in the control at 3 (p = 0.04) and 7 day (p <0.01). The epithuelium vertical measurement did not present statistical difference between them. Then, topical fiinolysin/deoxyribonuclease application promoted faster epithelial closure when compared to saline alone and its use alone or associated with the bismuth subgalate did not interfere with epithelial repair.

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Lucinara Ignez Tavares Luzzi, Antonio Adilson Soares de Lima, Vinicius Augusto Tramontina, Vula Papalexiou, Sonia Mara Luczsyzyn, Sung Hyun Kim, Paula Bernardon, Adriane Martinez, George Borja de Freitas, Use of fibrinolisin / deoxyribonuclease and bismutal subgalate in wound palatine mucosa repair. Histological study in rats., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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