Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Unusually large unusual lesion Collagenous fibroma: Case report.

George Borja De Freitas, Evelyne Pedroza De Andrade, Marcelo Sperandio, Paulo De Camargo Morais, Luiz Alexandre Thomaz, Fabricio Passador Santos, Vera Cavalcanti De Araujo, Andresa Borges Soares

Abstract :

 Collagenous fioma is a benign lesion that affects mainly the subcutaneous and muscle tissues. We describe a case of a

collagenous fioma that appeared in a white 28–year–old female, who presented with a well–circumscribed and firm lump in her
palatal and gingival mucosa, measuring 70mm in diameter. Histopathology revealed a paucicellular fioblastic proliferation
within a highly collagenous matrix. These findings satisfied the diagnostic criteria for collagenous fioma (desmoplastic

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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George Borja de Freitas, Evelyne Pedroza de Andrade, Marcelo Sperandio, Paulo de Camargo Morais, Luiz Alexandre Thomaz, Fabricio Passador–Santos, Vera Cavalcanti de Araujo, Andresa Borges Soares, Unusually large unusual lesion Collagenous fibroma: Case report., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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