Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2020

Type 1 Choledochal cyst - a case report

Dr. K. Senthil Kumar, Dr. K. Surendar, Prof. P. Thangamani, Prof. R. Kannan

Abstract :

We report a case of a 20 year old female patient presented with complaints of right upper abdominal pain, vomiting and jaundice for one week. Patient had similar complaints since childhood. On examination, patient is icteric and abdominal examination revealed tenderness in right hypochondrium and epigastrium with localised guarding. Preliminary blood investigations showed elevated WBC counta and Liver function test showed elevated total and direct bilirubin. USG Abdomen showed Choledochal cyst with distal benign stricture. Contrast CT of Abdomen and MRCP abdmoen showed Choledochal cyst with cholangitic abscess and distal benign stricture. Preoperatively patient was hydrated with in fluids and started on oad spectrum antibiotics for one week. Electively Excision of Choledochal cyst with Roux en Y Hepatico jejunostomy and cholecystectomy was done. Post operatively patient was stable, jaundice subsided and no further complaints. She was discharged one week after surgery.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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TYPE 1 CHOLEDOCHAL CYST‾A CASE REPORT, Dr. K.Senthil kumar, Dr. K.Surendar, Prof.P.Thangamani, Prof.R.Kannan PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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