Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Trajectory of Identity: Implications of Time and Space in Mahesh Elkunchwar's Apocalypse

Ainul Bari

Abstract :

Drama is a composite art, a mixture of literature and many other arts. It  is both the written text as well as the text for performance on the stage. Indian drama gained prominence in the development of Natyashastra and flourished with the emergence of regional theatres. Marathi theatre started its journey in the nineteenth century, but it got popularity in the 1950s and 1960s. Among several forms of play genre, the serious drama by Vijay Tendulkar, P. L. Deshpande, Mahesh Elkunchwar and SatishAlekar influenced theatre throughout India. Mahesh Elkunchwar, along with Vijay Tendulkar and SatishAlekar, forms the Trinity of Marathi literature in English. Elkunchwar has enriched the repertoire of Indian drama with his more than fifteen plays which have been translated into many Indian languages, English, German and French. He wrote many theoretical as well as critical works. Besides, he has been active in India‘s Parallel Cinema as an actor and a screenwriter. His plays talk about the problems of human existence in the contemporary society. This research deals with the themes of an identity crisis, roles of time and space, the loneliness of a modern man, degeneration of human feelings or of a soul which are present in the play Apocalypse. This paper also presents the aspects of rootedness of the characters and the existential angst they pass through. Besides, this paper will also cover the aspects of communication gap, alienation, futility and meaninglessness of human existence in Elkunchwar‘sApocalypse.

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Ainul Bari, Trajectory of Identity: Implications of Time and Space in Mahesh Elkunchwar‘s Apocalypse, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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