Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Topical effect of a Novel Unani formulation in Buthur-e-Labaniya (Acne vulgaris)-A Case Report

Md Sheeraz, Afsahul Kalam, Gousia Mehraj, Humyra Tabassum, Ruqaya Qayoom, Arjumand Shah, Zaheer Ahmed

Abstract :

Aims and Objectives:Buthūr–e–Labaniya(Acne vulgaris) is affecting up to 80% of adolescents and many adults at different stages of life. It is one of the commonest skin disorders which appear on cheeks and nose as white eruptions that seems like solidified milk drops. These eruptions are treated by drugs having properties of tajfīfwataḥlīl (desiccant and resolving), as mentioned by IbneSina. And also recommends the local application of a paste of Kalonji (nigella sativa),  mixed with Sirka (vinegar) for effective treatment of Acne vulgaris.In this formulation we have added the Darchīni(CinnamomumZeylanicum)as recommended by AllamaNajeebuddinSamarqandi in his book Al AsbabwalAlamaat. Methods:The study was single case, observational self comparison before and after treatment, conducted in the OPD of the hospital which is part of the Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Srinagar. The duration of study was 15 days. onefemale patient with combination of comedones, papules, pustules and nodules was recruited for this purpose. The test drug, ShonīzDarchīni powder, mixed with sirka were applied locally for 15 days. Subject was assessed on the basis of changes in subjective and objective parameters.Results:The response of test drugs was significant by using Cook‘s grading scale for acne vulgaris, there was also relief in subjective parameters. Subjects reported a reduction of 30%, 50%, 50% in tenderness, itching and irritation respectively.Conclusion:The present study reveals that the test drug formulation is safe and effective in treating Acne vulgaris. No side effects of drugs were reported, therefore the trial formulation may be recommended for larger sample sized study.

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Md Sheeraz, Afsahul Kalam, Gousia Mehraj, Humyra Tabassum, Ruqaya Qayoom, Arjumand Shah, Zaheer Ahmed, Topical effect of a Novel Unani formulation in Buthur-e-Labaniya (Acne vulgaris)-A Case Report, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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