Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

To study the incidence of Hypertension in Diabetes mellitus and pattern of Diabetic complications in rural population.

Dr. Venkatesh Potru, Dr. Prabhu . G

Abstract :



                  The incidence of type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is increasing globally from 2.8 % in 2000 to 4.4 % in 2030.2 The prevalence of T2D in Asians Indians ranges from 2.7 % in rural India to 14 % in urban india. India has the highest number of diabetics in the world 2. The national diabetes survey reported 12.1% of diabetes and 14.1 % of impaired glucose tolerance.The prevalence varies across different studies and religious groups in Asia ; the co –occurrence  of diabetes with HTN  shows  an increasing  trend and has become an epidemic  of a great concern 1, 2.About 50 % of diabetes cases in India show the co–occurence of HTN. Hypertension in other Asian countries such as Singapore ( 73 % ). Korea  (68.7 %), Bangladesh ( 65 % ) , Taiwan ( 60.4 % ) , Thailand ( 51.5 % ) and China ( 48.8 % ).  Currently , there are limited epidemiological studies edifying the relationship between T2D and HTN in Indian context. There is an ongoing debate regarding the consideration of high blood pressure over the metabolic components as a predictor of T2D in Indians.  Further , social and cultural diversity in India necessitates the exploration of the mentioned relationship in various sections of the country. Therefore we hypothesize that the risk of incidence of HTN  is higher in the subjects with T2DM . The present study aims to  assess the prevalence of complications in hypertensive subjects with co – existing diabetes at PESIMSR, Kuppam.

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Dr.Venkatesh Potru, Dr.Prabhu .G, To study the incidence of Hypertension in Diabetes mellitus and pattern of Diabetic complications in rural population., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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