Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Time is brain and A stroke in Time

Raghavendra Rao M. V. , Kumar Ponnusamy, Sireesha Bala, Sripada Pallavi T, Krishna Sowmya M, Ramanaiah C. J, Mahendra K Verma, Amin Fateh, Samir Fatteh, Tarig Fadlallah Altahir Ahmed, Sateesh Babu A

Abstract :

 A stroke decrease in blood flow to the ain due to a clot or bleeding—is a medical emergency. And doctors often say “time is the

ain”. Stroke is a ‘ain attack’. It is a sudden loss of ain function. An ischemic stroke which is an interruption of blood flow to
the ain, usually as the result of a blood clot. Hemorrhagic stroke is the result of bleeding or a rupture of a blood vessel in the
ain. The resulting leakage into surrounding ain tissue causes damage to nerve cells. Early warning signs of a stroke are clues
that your body sends to indicate that your ain is not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. If your ain does not receive
oxygen and nutrients for a period of time, permanent damage (i.e., a stroke) can result. This deprivation of oxygen and nutrients
can lead to the death of the ain cells. Paralysis is the loss of voluntary movement as a result of damage to nerve or muscle
function. The ain controls the different muscles that are responsible for movement. When the ain is damaged, it can impair
the function of the muscles. The damage can be lasting especially when the damage is within the area of the ain that controls
the motor movements of the body. Balance and coordination are controlled by the ain. The vision can become blurry. Embolic
stroke is a condition occurred when blood flow to a part of the ain stops. “Diabetes + Hypertension = Silent Stroke”. Women
Recover Worse Than Men after a Stroke. Every two seconds someone has a stroke and one in six people will suffer a stroke in their
lifetime. Stroke is the third leading cause of death worldwide, with over 6 million people dying from strokes each year. A sudden
weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of your body. Sudden dimness or loss of vision, particularly in one eye.
Loss of speech, or trouble talking or understanding speech. Sudden severe headache. Unexplained dizziness (1) usually, hiccups
are a minor nuisance. But when stroke affects the ain’s eathing center, it can trigger a sudden, protracted case of hiccups,
more commonly in women.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Raghavendra Rao M.V., Kumar Ponnusamy, Sireesha Bala, Sripada Pallavi T, Krishna Sowmya M, Ramanaiah C.J, Mahendra K Verma, Amin Fateh, Samir Fatteh, Tarig Fadlallah Altahir Ahmed, Sateesh Babu A, Time is brain and A stroke in Time, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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