Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

The Efficiency of Altemeier Procedure for the Treatment of Rectal Prolapse in Geriatric Population

Murat Kendirci, Murathan Erkent

Abstract :

We aimed to exhibit early results of the patients treated with the Altemeier procedure.A retrospective analysis of the patients who underwent Altemeier procedure was conducted between January 2015 and December 2016. Patient demographics, length of resected bowel segment, length of stay, complications and follow–up periods were recorded. The quality of life assessment at admission and postoperative month 6 were analyzed with Wexner incontinence scoring.Of the patients, 11 were female (73.3%), and 4 were male (26.7%). The median age was 65.7 (59 to 76) years. The preoperative median Wexner score was 13.9 (12 to 16). The median length of the specimen was 31.27 (22 to 42) cm. The median length of stay and follow–up time was 5.73 (2 to 10) days and 6.73 (0 to 12) months respectively. Although anal tonus of the two patients did not change, 13 patients’ anal tonus significantly increased at postoperative month 6 as compared to preoperative analysis, moreover 3 of those achieved complete anal tonus. The median Wexner score by postoperative month 6 was 9.13 (6 to 16). A significant decrease of Wexner score was observed in 14 patients. The Altemeier procedure may be performed on appropriate patients with the advantages of being easy applicable under regional anesthesia, providing resection, low recurrence rate, and improvement in continence. It should also be considered as a good option for the patients who do not have the chance of surgery with abdominal approach.

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Murat Kendirci, Murathan Erkent, The Efficiency of Altemeier Procedure for the Treatment of Rectal Prolapse in Geriatric Population, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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