Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

The Collective Memory Of Violence In Gayl Jones Novel

Dr. G. Annal

Abstract :

Violence against African American females, young and old, is an overwhelming concern in the novels of Gayl Jones. Black female children face abuse in their own homes as well as from their own community. in this novel, the rememance of ancestral memory enacts a type of violence.

            The present study analyses the work of Gayl Jones novel Corregidora, the novel falls short of appropriating the collective memory of violence in all its extent. In her fiction, Gayl Jones seeks to clarify the ways in which the history of the collective violence in four generations of a family of women. The paper analyses about the collective memory of violence in Gayl Jones novel “Corregidora”.

            Black women have devised their own strategies for coping with their oppression; these tactics have enabled many of them to survive their ordeals and come out of their marginalized state. Violence is exertion of force so as to deal injury or abuse. It entails inflicting physical, material, emotional, sexual, and intellectual damage. It can be the exercise of force or constraint, perpetrated by individuals on their own behalf, or for a collective or state–sanctioned purpose. In its most obvious form violence is physical which includes battering, assault, murder, and rape. Though violence is largely physical, it occurs in a psychological context and invariably produces mental and spiritual anguish. Isolation, deprivation, imprisonment, and badgering are also factors that cause great agony. Mental cruelty, the wish to hurt another person’s feelings, is at times more painful than physical hurt. Subtle and probably more enduring forms of violence like humiliation, ridicule, verbal abuse, and social and economic constraints tantamount to emotional imprisonment.

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Dr. G. ANNAL, The Collective Memory Of Violence In Gayl Jones Novel , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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