Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Study of Serum hs-CRP and Prostate specific antigen in Benign enlargement of prostate and carcinoma of prostate.

Ruta Anandgaonkar, Dhananjay Bhale, D. M. Vaishnav

Abstract :

 Introduction:Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common neoplastic disorder affecting the aging male population orldwide. A positive correlation between serum CRP and tumor stage is observed in prostate cancer patients. A correlation is also observed between the rise in CRP and faster progression of the tumor. This result proves that inflammation participates in tumor .3,4 progression In light of these findings, we analyzed hs–CRP to know role of inflammation in BEP and cancer prostate Aims and Objectives:To study levels of serum hs–CRP levels , correlation of serum hs–CRP and Serum PSA levels in patients of benign enlargement of prostate and cancer of prostate . Material and Methods: The present study was carried out in Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with Central Laboratory and Department of Urology, MGM Medical College, Aurangabad from November 2015 to November 2017. hs–CRP was estimated by turbidimetric immunoassay using Quantia CRP US kit based on principle of agglutination reaction on 9 10 microlab 300 .Serum PSA levels were measured on VITROUS 5600 by Enhanced Chemiluminescence method. The mean hs– CRP in Group B was 10.29±3.47 mg/dl which was comparatively higher than Group A. In Group A it was 4.61±0.73 mg/dl. This mean difference of hs–CRP between two groups was found to be statistically significant. PSA level was correlated with hs–CRP level it was found to be positively correlated with each other. And this correlation between prostate specific antigen (PSA) level and hs–CRP level was statistically significant. Summary and Conclusion:In this study, a positive correlation between plasma hs–CRP levels and serum PSA levels was observed in the benign and malignant group both suggesting a potential correlation between prostate inflammation and prostate cancer.

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Ruta Anandgaonkar, Dhananjay Bhale, D.M. Vaishnav, Study of Serum hs-CRP and Prostate specific antigen in Benign enlargement of prostate and carcinoma of prostate., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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