Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Study of position of nutrient foramen on fibula, its variation and distance from the styloid process and its clinical importance in vascular grafting.

Uzma Rasool, Arish Nazir Shora

Abstract :

introduction– Bones are structures that adapt to their mechanical environment and from the fetal age adapt to the presence of naturally occurring holes. These holes are called as nutrient.Method–The study was conducted on 100 fibulae, using osteometric board, vernier caliper, and hand lens. Adult fibulae were examined for position of nutrient foramen from the styloid process by calculating forminal index using  Hughs formula and its variation. Result–   most common distribution of nutrient foramina was on middle one third of the bone (Type–2), seen in 86.59% of fibulae, followed by 7.2% in lower one third (Type–3), and then 6.18% on upper one third of bone (Type–1)with mean ForminalIndex(FI) 43.04±9.35,mean length of fibulae is 35.87 (SD±2.35), distance of nutrient foramina (DNF) is 15.41 (SD±3.63).Conclusion–. Most common location of nutrient foramen was in the middle 1/3rd of posterior surface of fibula. Thus middle 1/3rd of fibula must be used for transplant to reconstruct mandible, stabilization of spine and tibia, as well as for dental implants, and also in avascular necrosis of femoral head.

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Uzma Rasool, Arish Nazir Shora, Study of position of nutrient foramen on fibula, its variation and distance from the styloid process and its clinical importance in vascular grafting., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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