Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Study of Lean Body Mass And Fat Mass In Long Distance Runners.

Dr. S. G. Palashikar, Dr. P. P Waghmare, Dr. S. A Mundewadi

Abstract :


Background: In the endeavor to achieve excellence in sport, all of the possible concomitants of performance have been subject to scientific research. Modern sport science is characterized by the purposefulness of its endeavor to improve elite athletes and to discover talents as precisely as possible. There is evidence to support the concept that an individual’s physique greatly limits or enhances successful participation in physical activity.

Objectives: To assess and compare skinfold thickness of university and state level players and age matched controls.

Material and methods: The present study was carried out in thirty male long distance runners playing at university and state level, their age range from 16–20 yrs with an average of 17.2 yrs. Thirty   age matched subjects taken as control group.

Skinfold thickness was assessed at standard sites by using skin fold caliper. Percentage of body fat was measured using Fat –o– measure.

Results: Body fat percentage and fat mass was lower in athletes than controls which was highly significant. Where as lean body mass was also significantly lower in athletes than controls.

Conclusion: Body fat percentage of athletes was less as compared to the controls, which may be due to the training regimens through which the athletes are undergoing. Lean body mass was significantly less in athletes as their weight was very much less than controls.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr.S.G.Palashikar, Dr.P.P Waghmare, Dr. S.A Mundewadi, Study of Lean Body Mass And Fat Mass In Long Distance Runners., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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