Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2019


Amit Jain, N. N Ramraje, R. R. Hegde, Pl Meshram, Vv Pujari, J. M. Phadtare

Abstract :

Bronchiectasis is defined as an irreversible dilation and destruction of one or more onchi,with a reduction in clearance of secretions and in the expiratory airflow. The present study was undertaken by analyzing data to study the clinical, microbiological , radiological & spirometric profile of patients with Bronchiectasis. In this study of total 100 Bronchiectasis patients,61 (61%) were males and 39(39%) were female.The minimum age was 18 years , the maximum age 83 and the mean age 48.5 years. Productive cough was the commonest symptom. An underlying etiology was identified in 87% of the patients. Most commonly, onchiectasis was post–infectious due to tuberculosis and pneumonia .ABPA was found in 2%. The most commonly isolated bacterium was Haemophilus influenzae. On HRCT Thorax onchiectasis was limited to one lung in 64% of the cases & bilateral in 36% cases. The predominant pattern of onchiectasis on HRCT–thorax was cylindrical in 61%,cystic in 36% and varicose in3% of the cases. On spirometry most common pattern was obstructive ventilator defect. Any patient with significant history and clinical findings suggestive of.Bronchiectasis should be evaluated with various hematological ,microbiological, Radiological investigations and spirometry to make confirmative diagnosis and similarly to rule out any other co–morbid conditions ,on which the management and treatment to be ascertained and given accordingly. All options of treatment including surgical intervention to be taken into consideration for good quality life and healthy survival

Keywords :

Bronchiectasis   HRCT Thorax   Spirometry  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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STUDY OF BRONCHIECTASIS AT A TERTIARY CARE CENTRE, Amit Jain, N.N Ramraje, R.R.Hegde, PL Meshram, VV Pujari, J.M.Phadtare PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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