Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2019


Dr. Anindita Sarma, Dr. Shubhra Rathore, Dr. Navneet Kumar

Abstract :

Introduction: As physical examination can be nonspecific, radiological evaluation with non contrast CT (NCCT) aids in confirming diagnosis of paranasal sinus pathology and also allows delineation of disease and anatomic variations in this region. In this study we noted the spectrum of CT findings associated in patients with sinonasal disease. Materials and Methods: NCCT scans of 200 patients presenting with sinonasal disease were studied. Note was made of the normal variants and any PNS pathology. Results were tabulated and analysed using EpiData Analysis software and statistical techniques. Result: The most common variant was deviated nasal septum (76.5%) and agger nasi cells (65%). 39.5% of patients scanned had sinusitis (2% acute, 37.5% chronic). 14.5% patients had fungal sinusitis (6.5% allergic, 8% invasive). Polypoidal mucosal thickening was seen in 33 patients (16.5%). One case of mucocele was identified (0.5%). Neoplasm was identified in 6 patients (3%). Other non–sinonasal diseases were also identified such as pituitary macroadenoma (3%), oro–antral fistula (1%), impacted molars, dentigerous cyst, epidermoid cyst, osteomyelitis and orbital cellulitis (0.5%). No sinonasal abnormality could be detected in 39 patients (19.5%). Conclusion: NCCT PNS aids not just to diagnose sinonasal disease but also provides excellent anatomical roadmap for surgery. In addition it may detect other unsuspected disease processes

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SPECTRUM OF FINDINGS IN NCCT PNS IN PATIENTS WITH SINONASAL DISEASE., Dr. Anindita Sarma, Dr. Shubhra Rathore, Dr. Navneet Kumar PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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