Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Socio-economic status of non-aided Madaris teachers (Mudarris) & Students (Talaba)

Sama Praveen

Abstract :


In India madaris have very long history and started by earlier Muslim rulers. During Mughal period madaris played an important role for spreading education among people generally Muslims. There were various types of madaris prevailed in India according to their standard of providing education, like maktabs (primary schools), madarsas (secondary school), Darul–uloom (college) Jamia university. Earlier madarsas were giving only Islamic education but at present some of the madrasas have started modern education. But the main problem for the modernization in these madaris is the lack of finance as most of the madaris are non–aided or self finance. The main source of income of these madaris are zakat, sadqa, donation, membership fees, skin of animals of qurbani etc. which are not sufficient even for their basic needs like fooding, clothing and salary of madaris. Due to these financial problems and lack of facilities most of the students come from the backward class of the Muslim society. Even teachers are not getting proper salary. So their socio economic status and standard of living is not very good, which leads both teachers and students of madaris away from the mainstream of the society.

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Sama Praveen, Socio-economic status of non-aided Madaris teachers (Mudarris) & Students (Talaba), PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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