Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Socio-demographic pattern in maternal death: A population- based study from India

Dr. Divya Khanna, Prof. Jai Veer Singh, Prof. Monika Agarwal

Abstract :

High maternal mortality ratio is not just an indicator of poor development but also an indicator of lack of human rights and gender inequity. Our study aimed to assess the distribution of biosocial characteristics amongst the different known causes of maternal deaths. Data was collected from the family members of the deceased for socio–demographic characteristics through pre–tested schedule and verbal autopsy was done to ascertain the cause of death. Majority of deaths due to post–partum hemorrhage, sepsis and anemia were in 22–29 years of age group,both the husband and wife were illiterate and were of poor socio–economic status. Ensuring that mothers from this section of society receive appropriate maternal care despite of their bio–social barriers is the need of the hour.

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Dr. Divya Khanna, Prof. Jai Veer Singh, Prof. Monika Agarwal, Socio-demographic pattern in maternal death: A population- based study from India , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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