Volume : IX, Issue : I, January - 2020


Dr. Keshav Singh, Dr. Praveen Tagore, Dr. Jal Singh Narwaria, Dr. Rakesh Patel

Abstract :

BACKGROUND: The Morbidity and mortality due to non–communicable diseases specially attributed to diabetes mellitus (DM) and coronary Artery disease (CAD) is rising rapidly in India, causing nearly 5.8 million deaths per year annually. Considering the strong association between the levels of serum uric acid (SUA) and the occurrence of coronary atherosclerosis in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus, the current study has been undertaken to assess the factors influencing the serum uric acid levels in patients with type 2diabetes mellitus. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1.To study the level of SUA in patients with type 2 DM, 2.To establish the association of elevated serum uric acid concentration as a risk factor for CAD in type–2 diabetes patients. RESULTS: Mean serum uric acid value is significantly higher in type II diabetes patients (5.76±1.15) than controls (3.39±0.56). Mean serum uric acid value is significantly higher in Diabetic patients with CAD (6.115±0.87) than non CAD patients (5.43±0.59). CONCLUSION: Level of serum uric acid is related to duration of diabetes mellitus. It is an independent predictor of CAD in DM patients thus can be used as a marker of CAD in type II DM patients

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SERUM URIC ACID AS A MARKER OF CAD IN TYPE II DM, Dr.Keshav Singh, Dr.Praveen Tagore, Dr.Jal singh Narwaria, Dr.Rakesh Patel PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-1 | January-2020

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