Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Role of kabat technique along with conventional physiotherapy treatment versus conventional physiotherapy alone in Bell‘s palsy patients.

Dr. Chitra Mridha, Dr. Poonam. I. Thakre

Abstract :

 Background: Research findings have indicated that Kabat techniques is helps in improving facial asymmetry in bell’s palsy

Aim and objectives:
1. To study the effectiveness of kabat technique in improving muscle strength and reducing the facial asymmetry in patients with
bell’s palsy.
2. To study the effectiveness of conventional technique along with NMES in improving muscle strength and reducing the facial
asymmetry in patients with bell’s palsy.
3.To compare the effectiveness of kabat technique with conventional physiotherapy treatment in reducing the facial asymmetry
in patients with bell’s palsy.
METHODOLOGY: 30 subjects were recruited in the study and they were divided into two groups, each of 15 subjects. Group A
patients were treated with kabat technique along with conventional treatment and group B were given conventional treatment
alone. Treatment is given for 5 days a week for four weeks.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The experimental group (group A) showed significant statistical and clinical improvement in the
facial asymmetry as compared to the control group (group B). Thus, kabat technique along with conventional therapy must be
incorporated as daily practice for improving facial asymmetry of patients with bell’s palsy.

Keywords :

Bell’s Palsy   Kabat Technique.  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr.Chitra Mridha, Dr.Poonam. I. Thakre, Role of kabat technique along with conventional physiotherapy treatment versus conventional physiotherapy alone in Bell's palsy patients., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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