Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2019

Role of biological width in restorative dentistry

Dr. Renu Gupta, Dr. Nitai Debnath, Dr. Nirupam Paul

Abstract :

An adequate understanding of the relationship between periodontal tissues and restorative dentistry is paramount to ensure adequate form, function, esthetics and comfort of the dentition. The relationship between periodontal health and restoration of teeth is intimate and inseparable. For restoration to survive long term, the periodontium must be healthy so that the teeth are maintained. The establishment of periodontal health is therefore a prerequisite for successful prosthodontic and restorative procedures. To facilitate this collaboration the prosthodontist should give importance to biological width and its implication restoration margin and contour

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ROLE OF BIOLOGICAL WIDTH IN RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY, Dr. Renu Gupta, Dr. Nitai Debnath, Dr. Nirupam Paul PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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