Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Risk Factors Associated to the Incidence Rate of Diabetic Foot in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan

Fernando Silalahi, Marshal, Doddy Prabisma Pohan, Aznan Lelo

Abstract :

Introduction. Diabetic patients worldwide in 2015 were 415 million adults, increased 4 times from 108 million in the 1980s. Diabetic ulcer is a partial thickness or full thickness damage of the skin that may expand to the subcutaneous tissue, tendon, muscle, bone and joints that occur in patients that suffer DM, this condition emerges caused by the increase of high blood glucose level and infection. There are several factors related to diabetic foot.The risk factors are age, gender, duration of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and level of HbA1c


Method.This study was an analytic with a cross sectional design. The study was performed in the Polyclinic of Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Department of Surgery and ward of RSUP H. Adam Malik, Medan in the periodof January 2014 – December 2016 taken randomly with average of DM patients with diabetic foot approximately 10 patients per monthand fulfilled the inclusion criterias and exclusion criterias.

Results. Based on the study results, the mean age of patients were 55.5+ 11.7 years old. Based on the gender, most were male as many as 32 patients (69.6%). The mean level of HbA1c was 6.78+1.8 mg/dL with level of HbA1c > 7 mg/dL as many as 26 patients. There were 27 subjects (58.7%) having hypertension. The majority of patients having DM had a history of DM more than 8 years: 27 patients (52.2%). Patients with dyslipidemia were 50%: 23 patients. Based on patients with diabetic foot, there were 25 patients (54.3%) having diabetic foot.From the bivariateanalysis there three variablesrelated to diabetic foot. The three variables were hypertension, level of HbA1c and duration of diabetes mellitus.

Conclusion. Based on the multivariate test, only risk factors of hypertension and level of HbA1c that were mostly related, if there were several risk factors obtained by the patient. The Predictive Value Equation of diabetic foot in this study was:P = 0.26 (hypertension) + 0,40 (Level of HbA1c > 7 mg/dl).

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Fernando Silalahi, Marshal, Doddy Prabisma Pohan, Aznan Lelo, Risk Factors Associated to the Incidence Rate of Diabetic Foot in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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