Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Removal of radicular fragment incidentally injured into maxillary sinus and oral sinus communication closure with bichat adiposous body.

George Borja De Freitas, Jhonatan Thiago Lacerda Santos, Paula Bernardon, Fabio Bastos Gomes, Alessandra De Freitas E Silva, Luiz Roberto Coutinho Manhaes Junior

Abstract :

Oral sinus communication is a pathological communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus with Schneiderian memane rupture. The oroantral fistula is an anatomical, pathological, epithelial canal that develops when oral sinus communication does not close spontaneously in a period of 48–72 hours. This case report demonstrates a technique of root removal within the maxillary sinus by Mead incision with anterior maxillary sinus wall osteotomy by the Caldwell–Luc approachand closure of bucco–sinus communication with the application of the Bichat ball. Antibiotic and nasal decongestant were admnistrated in the pre and posoperative. The adipose body of Bichat Ball presented as an effective surgical technique for the closure resolution of the bucco–sinus communications, presenting low postoperative morbidity to the patient and satisfactory amount of adipose tissue.

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George Borja de Freitas, Jhonatan Thiago Lacerda Santos, Paula Bernardon, Fabio Bastos Gomes, Alessandra de Freitas e Silva, Luiz Roberto Coutinho Manhaes Junior, Removal of radicular fragment incidentally injured into maxillary sinus and oral sinus communication closure with bichat adiposous body., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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