Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Referrals of sick neonates from health facilities to tertiary care center: Newborn survival challenges: Need of Golden Transport

Chhaya Valvi, Ravish Kumar, Sandhya Khadse, Aa Kinikar, Kulkarni R

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND: India Newborn Action Plan (2014) aims to achieve a single digit NMR by 2030. To strengthen our National

Programs for the there is a dire need of “Golden Transport”. The objective of this study was to analyze the referral pattern of the
out born sick neonates.
METHODOLOGY: A retrospective cross sectional study was done at a tertiary teaching hospital NICU. All out born neonates over
nine months in 2014 were included. Demographic variables, weight, prematurity, transport details, and outcomes were
RESULTS: A total of 259 (35%) neonates of the total 755 admissions were out born. The commonest indication for referral was
respiratory distress syndrome 83 (32%). Neonatal transport protocols were very poorly followed in all babies. Thirty eight (14.6 %)
sick neonates were referred in very critical condition. Mortality was found in 57 (22%) neonates.
CONCLUSION: The imminent possibilities of life threatening deterioration and death in the sick newborns were noted due to
inappropriate transport. Strict adherence of neonatal transport guidelines as simplified by “Golden Transport” checklist by the
referring and referral center will definitely avoid numerous preventable deaths.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Chhaya Valvi, Ravish Kumar, Sandhya Khadse, AA Kinikar, Kulkarni R, Referrals of sick neonates from health facilities to tertiary care center: Newborn survival challenges: Need of Golden Transport, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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