Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Problems and Prospects of Cashew nut processing industry- A case study

Dr. Rathod Motilal

Abstract :


Cashew is held with great esteem in many customs and cultures. Its value can be estimated from a question that appeared on the household census in Mozambique that asked whether the house owned any cashew trees. Cashew is known by many names. In Mozambique, the Maconde tribe refer to it as the "Devil‘s Nut. It is offered at wedding ceremonies as a token of fertility and is considered by many to have aphrodisiac properties. The cashew tree and its products are known by the following names in other parts of the world–Portuguese caju, cajueiro, pe de caju, castanha de caju, maca de caju, French cajou, acajou, ancardier, noix de cajou, pomme de cajou, amande de cajou, English cashew, cashew tree, cashew nuU cashew apple, cashew kernel Spanish maranon, Hindi cadju, Sinhalese cadju, Italian anacardio, noce danacardio, mandorlad‘anacardio Dutch acajou, kasha German acajuban etc.

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Dr.Rathod Motilal, Problems and Prospects of Cashew nut processing industry- A case study, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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