Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2019


Vellapalem Lakshmi Chaitanya Kumar Reddy, Dr. Shoba. K

Abstract :

Allergic Rhinitis is an igE–mediated immunologic response of nasal mucosa to airborne allergens and is characterised by watery nasal discharge, sneezing and itching in the nose. This may also be associated with symptoms of itching in the eyes,palate and pharynx. We have conducted a cross sectional questionnaire based study on allergic rhinitis on 465 students in Saveetha medical college and Hospital , out of which 96 students were suffering with allergic rhinitis both seasonally and perennially, to determine most common symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis affecting quality of education of students, and the most preferred treatment to control the symptoms. In the survey it was found that Rhinorrhea, Nasal obstruction and sneezing were the most bothersome symptoms that affect quality of education. Intranasal corticosteroids, oral therapy were most preferred treatments by the students. AIM: To determine the prevalence of allergic rhinitis among medical students. OBJECTIVE: To determine most common symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis, and it’s impact on students quality of life.

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PREVALENCE OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS IN MEDICAL COLLEGE STUDENTS, Vellapalem Lakshmi Chaitanya Kumar Reddy, Dr. Shoba.K PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2019

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