Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2019


Leonardo Villacres Montesdeoca, Ana Rodriguez Vasquez, Juan Jose Navarrete, Gabriela Claudio Pombosa, Paola Claudio Pombosa, Ibeth Gallegos Guevara, Francisco Freire Guevara, Patricio Vaca Vargas

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION The tumor cell undergoes a series of injuries on their way through the bloodstream to the development of a metastatic implant, for which activates platelets that allow you to move with ease by this means, the objective of this study is to relate the platelet count to a tumor relapse. METHODS A retrospective observational study was realized in June 2016, in which there were taken into consideration the last 100 patients who had died in this institution. 52 subjects were excluded, by what there were analyzed the information of 48 remaining individuals, the value of the platelet count at the start of cancer treatment, to the first tumor relapsing and its value premortem, it is considered to be a normal referential value between 150–450 K/uL. RESULTS Patients who presented progression hematogenous had elevation of the counting of thrombocytes to the relapsing with regard to the basal value of beginning of treatment, however we must stress that this value becomes significant when it rises above 17% ANALYSIS Given the results we conclude that the platelet count would help us as a tumor marker follow–up of a solid tumor, without forgetting that a percentage of patients present progression with platelet count within the normal range or lower, this group is due to lymphatic progression or Transcoelomic.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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PLATELET COUNTING AND CANCER RELAPSE IN PATIENTS WITH SOLID TUMORS IN SOLCA-QUITO HOSPITAL, Leonardo Villacres Montesdeoca, Ana Rodriguez Vasquez, Juan Jose Navarrete, Gabriela Claudio Pombosa, Paola Claudio Pombosa, Ibeth Gallegos Guevara, Francisco Freire Guevara, Patricio Vaca Vargas PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2019

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