Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Physiologic (Functional) Ovarian Cysts in Reproductive Age Women: Who is at Risk?

Dr. Ayman Al Talib

Abstract :

 Functional or physiologic ovarian cysts are common gynecological problems among women of reproductive age worldwide. Cyst

may discover incidentally during routine gynecologic examination or during ultrsounography. Ultrasound characterization is
currently considered the most accurate method for predicting the histological diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Most of those cysts are
physiological, consisting of either follicular cysts or corpus luteum cysts. Several risk factors have been studied in the literature,
some of these are well understood, while the others are poorly understood. Among those risk factors; cigarette smoking, obesity,
ovulation induction treatment, progesterone–only pills, levonorgestrel intrauterine system, nutrition, diet, tamoxifen, immune
suppressive therapy and tubal sterilization. Surgical intervention is rarely required since most of those cysts resolve spontaneously
with observation alone without any medical treatment. When dealing with women of reproductive age with suspected
physiologic or functional ovarian cyst; patient should be reassured about the nature of those cysts as the majority will resolve

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Dr. Ayman Al–Talib, Physiologic (Functional) Ovarian Cysts in Reproductive Age Women: Who is at Risk?, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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