Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Physical Restraint "Pasung" of people with mental disorders in Central Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra

Tiur Romatua Sitohang, Rizanda Machmud, Netrida

Abstract :

There are still many families in some areas in Indonesia who violate and ignore the right of people with severe mental disorder by doing the physical restraint “ pasung”.This study aims to obtain a description of the relationship between economic status and knowledge of families and pasung. This research wascross sectionalstudy. The number of respondents is 155 of mental disorder family. Data analysis using Chi–Square test.The result of statistical test could be concluded that there was significant relation between knowledge and pasung and p value = 0,008. There was significant relation between family’s economic status and pasung and p value = 0,048.

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Tiur Romatua Sitohang, Rizanda Machmud, Netrida, Physical Restraint , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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