Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Abstract :

Sustainable hydrogen production is a key target for the development of alternative, future energy systems that will provide a clean and affordable energy supply. Photo catalytic water splitting can contribute to a green sustainable chemistry and can find solutions to many energy and environmental issues. Even though a number of modification techniques and chemical additives have been developed in recent years to improve the photo catalytic activity of TiO2 under visible light irradiation, efficient photo catalytic splitting of water to generate hydrogen using sunlight still remains as an unachieved goal from a technological standpoint. For efficient water splitting into H2 and O2 under visible light irradiation, the conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) of the photo catalysts should meet the potential requirements of reduction and oxidation of H2O simultaneously. The hydrogen production efficiency of TiO2 reported so far is still lower than the required 10% for practical applications, but the efficiency has been considerably improved by the continuing eakthroughs in the synthesis, modification with catalysts, and by tailoring the electronic structure of TiO2. In this paper, we evaluate the efficiency of our modified catalyst and compared it with the unmodified titania for production of hydrogen through water splitting reaction. Summary : In this paper, we discuss the ief history of hydrogen production through photo catalytic water splitting reaction. It also includes the different materials and techniques behind hydrogen production, the general mechanism of photo catalytic water splitting reaction on semiconductor materials. In addition to this, the advantages of titania as a photo catalyst with its drawbacks and modifications are also discussed.

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, PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-2 | Issue-3 | March-2013

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