Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Outcome of combined corneal transplantation and catarct surgery in terms of anatomical and functional success: A retrospective analysis

Bharti Ahuja, Radhika Natarajan

Abstract :


The purpose of this paper is to study the outcome of corneal triple procedure with respect to anatomical , visual and refractive success in a tertiary eye care centre . One hundred and twenty eyes  who underwent this procedure between January 2013 and December 2017 were reviewed retrospectively and analysed . Mean age of these patients was  42.45 years (SD+/–15.85) .Failed therapeutic  grafts(Regrafts)–42.5% was the main indication for performing  triple procedure in this study .At the last follow up, graft clarity was seen in 63.33 % eyes. 65  % eyes  had improvement in terms of visual acuity  .Visual acuity improved by 5 snellen lines or more in 55.83% eyes.38.33% eyes achieved an improvement of 2 to 3 snellen lines. Mean spherical equivalent and mean refractive cylinder at  1 year after the procedure was found to be  –0.229D(SD+/–2.48)and –4.21D(SD +/–2.39).  respectively.Combined approach  seems to be an effective  surgical procedure with reasonable outcome in form of visual rehabilitation and graft survival even in regrafts situation.

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Outcome of combined corneal transplantation and catarct surgery in terms of anatomical and functional success: A retrospective analysis , Bharti Ahuja, Radhika Natarajan , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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