Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2019

Occupational Exposure to Wood Dust and Its Effect on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in a Sample of Carpenters in Baghdad City.

Dr. Muftafa Ali Al, Sakini, Dr. Mahmood Fouad Mahmood, Dr. Jaleel Okaish Hadi, Dr. Mohammed Waheeb. Al Obaidy

Abstract :

Background: Occupational lung diseases are important medical conditions due to increased exposure to various chemicals and dusts as in textile, cement, wood and marble industries. Carpenters are at high risk of developing occupational lung disease due to their continuous exposure to wood dust in their workplaces. Objective: To evaluate the effect of wood dust on PEFR value of healthy, non–smoker carpenters. Subjects and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on 50 non–smoking carpenters, while 50 non–smoking persons working other than carpentry were selected as a control group. The data were collected from the 14th of June 2018 to the 14th of December 2018 including demographic parameters such: age, sex, smoking habits, height, weight, BMI and duration of exposure on PEFR in both cases and control subjects by using Mini Wright’s peak flow meter. The statistical analysis was done by using Student’s t–test. A p–value was considered statistically significant if < 0.05. Results: The PEFR values in carpenters were lower than that of control subjects according to age, height, weight and BMI and these results were highly significant statistically. Conclusion: The decrement in PEFR in carpenters was probably caused by continuous exposure to wood–dust in their workplaces causing an adverse effect on their respiratory health status so we suggest pre–employment medical checkup with periodic monitoring of respiratory health status and using respiratory protective devices as facemasks with good ventilated workplaces to decrease the harmful exposure to wood–dust.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO WOOD DUST AND ITS EFFECT ON PEAK EXPIRATORY FLOW RATE IN A SAMPLE OF CARPENTERS IN BAGHDAD CITY., Dr. Muftafa Ali Al,Sakini, Dr. Mahmood Fouad Mahmood, Dr. Jaleel Okaish Hadi, Dr. Mohammed Waheeb. Al-Obaidy PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2019

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