Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

New Light on the Pallava Rock-cuts of Tamil Nadu

Dr. P. Velayutharaja

Abstract :

The Pallavas were the pioneers in the rock–cut architecture of Tamil Nadu. Mahendravarma I initiated the new style of temple architecture in Tamil Nadu.Mahendravarman’s declaration in his own inscription at Mandagappattu, obviously the first of his cave–temples, is significant. He created a temple, an object of wonder, for the Trinity( trimurti) without the use of ick, timber, metal or mortar. The cave temples of Mahendra style continued to be excavated between 630 to 700 by Mahendra’s son and successors, whose products, marking the second phase,are the cave temples at Thirukalukkunram, the Kotikal mandapam and the Dharmaraja mandapam. Mahendra and Narasimha contributed for the emergence of new trend in temple architecture. Even though rock cuts were found in northern and western India, Pallavas were the pioneers in Tamil Nadu.

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Dr.P.Velayutharaja, New Light on the Pallava Rock-cuts of Tamil Nadu, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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