Volume : IX, Issue : I, January - 2020


Dr. Bikash Parida, Dr. Kavita Ramrao Makasare, Dr. Raghuveer Boddireddy

Abstract :

Tuberculosis of CNS accounts for approximately 5–10% of extra–pulmonary TB cases. Intracranial manifestations of CNS TB include tubercular meningitis, complications of tuberculous meningitis, pachymeningitis, parenchymal tuberculosis. The first choice of imaging in CNS TB is MRI because of its inherent sensitivity and specificity in the detection of early subtle lesions. Our Aim includes Detection & characterization of various MRI findings in Intracranial tuberculosis. MRI ain was done in 60 patients with signs and symptoms of CNS involvement. Out of which, 2 patients (3%) were found without any neuro–radiological abnormality and were excluded. In rest of patients (n=58; 97%) one or more than one finding was present in a single patient; Leptomeningeal enhancement (n= 37; 61%), Tuberculomas (n=32; 53%), Hydrocephalus (n=17; 28%), Infarcts (n=14; 23%), Basal exudates (N= 11; 18%) were more often present.

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MRI EVALUATION OF INTRACRANIAL COMPLICATIONS OF TUBERCULOSIS., Dr. Bikash Parida, Dr. Kavita Ramrao Makasare, Dr. Raghuveer Boddireddy PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-1 | January-2020

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