Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Modern Trend in Accounting Education and Research in India

Nirmal Harsha P.

Abstract :

The business word is becoming increasingly complex and is facing new and greater challenges in the recent year. The accounting education in India touched the new height in the recent year. Many students are opting this course to make their career in Corporate and Government sector. The accounting Professions is a key profession in modern business society will have to meet these challenges. Accounting as core paper has been imparted too the students in Higher Secondary, Graduation and Post Graduation level of different Universities of the country. But many students are not able to make the application of accounting education in their real working field. Given the fluidity of event it is desirable the the accounting education institution not only provide Accounting education as a feed back for the students for other institutions like ICAI, ICWA and ACA but also take a challenges and need to provide new skills knowledge to accounting graduate who enter the profession, so that more employability can be created for the students of accounting education for our country. In the present time changing, the accounting education should not be restricted with the traditional teaching subject like Management Accounting, Cost Accounting  and Financial Accounting , rather it should be replaced with E–commerce and software based accounting curriculum and to improve the content level of accounting and taxation, computer subjects, business report writing , communication skills , problem solving and analylitical skills so as to meet the challenges of change in the business and industry.

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Nirmal Harsha P., Modern Trend in Accounting Education and Research in India, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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