Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2019


Dr. Anuja Vasant Nagrare, Dr. Varsharani S. Patil, Dr. Pavan Lekurwale

Abstract :

Poison is a substance which when administered, inhaled or ingested is capable of acting deleteriously on the human body. Poison can act on body by disturbing dhatusamya and producing various diseases. In the same way dushivisha is acting on the body by vitiating dhatus. Dushivisha has less potency, though not fatal it remains inside the body for variable period. Factors responsible for vitiating dhatus such as dushit desha, kala, food, diwaswap etc. are considered as dushivisha and also these are triggering factors for the both dushivisha and shwasa. Pippalyadi agad Drug exhibiting quick control over vitiating vata and kapha, While permanent relief is attainable through implementation of drugs having action agni and pittastana along with vatakaphghnata

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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LITERATURE REVIEW OF PIPPALYADI AGAD IN DUSHIVISHAJANYA SHWASA., Dr. Anuja Vasant Nagrare, Dr. Varsharani S. Patil, Dr. Pavan Lekurwale PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2019

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