Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2019


Dr. Prashant Solanke, Dr. T. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Varun Reddy, Dr. Soma Sanjana, Dr. N. Sharon Rose, Dr. Alekhya, Dr. Nishath Taskeen, Dr. Bindhu Madhavi

Abstract :

Background: Sir Ronald Ross discovered life cycle of malaria parasite in 1897.Malaria is A parasitic infection caused by plasmodium parasite and transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes .Malaria is transmitted by bite of female anopheles mosquito, transfusion of blood from infected persons and use of contaminated needles, syringes. Mosquito acts as definitive host. Theme for world malaria day 2019 is “Zero malaria starts with me. “Objectives: To study the knowledge about malaria among Interns of GGH, Nizamabad.Methodology: The study design was cross–sectional. Study period was from May 2019 to July 2019. Study was done at GMC, NZB, Telangana. Sampling technique was done by survey. Inclusion criteria taken were all interns both male & female. Descriptive statistics & Chi–square test were used as statistical tests. Data was entered into MS Excel version 2016 and analysis was done by using SPSS trial version 16.0. IEC clearance was obtained prior to study.Result: Interns answered correctly to the questions, life cycle (92.5%), rural vectors (33.8%) ,urban vectors (91.2%), dormant stages (91.2%), stage of schizont in life cycle (23.8%), correct order of life cycle sequence (77.5% ), day of oocyst rupture (25%), parenteral transmission (78.8% ).cf/complications in severe malaria (51.2%). infective form (82.5%).Conclusion: Every intern knows well about the vector for transmission . Very few of them know about the stage of parasite in blood transmission. Many of them have knowledge about the incubation period. Most of them know about the dangerous types. Some of them know about the epidemiology.

Keywords :

Interns   Malaria   Vector   NVBDCP  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MALARIA AMONG INTERNS OF GOVT. MEDICAL COLLEGE, NIZAMABAD -TELANGANA., Dr. Prashant Solanke, Dr.T.Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Varun Reddy, Dr.Soma Sanjana, Dr. N.Sharon Rose, Dr.Alekhya, Dr.Nishath Taskeen, Dr.Bindhu Madhavi PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2019

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