Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2019


Silvia M. Perez Carrillo, Jade Pereyda Gonzalez, Julia Cano Sosa, Alberto Uc Varguez, Ana Ramos Diaz

Abstract :

The phytopathogenic oomycetes have the capacity to germinate or remain latent until the environment is adequate for establishment and proliferation. These oomycetes are capable of infecting a wide variety of hosts and have been associated with significant economic losses. Large–scale outeaks are largely due to lack of efficient phytosanitary management, and absence of precise identification of pathogenic microorganism. Correct identification of a causative agent can be challenging because different oomycete pathogens can cause similar symptoms in different hosts while the same pathogen can cause different symptoms in the same host under different conditions. A pathogenic microorganism from the rhizosphere of Adenium obessum was isolated and characterized. The strain FR1 was isolated using the growth points technique, and grown in selective culture medium. The isolated strain was morphologically characterized, and also was found to be pathogenic to Capsicum chinense. The strain was identified as an oomycete of the genus Phytophthora

Keywords :

oomycete   Phytophthora   pathogenicity  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF AN OOMYCETE PATHOGENIC IN CAPSICUM CHINENSE, Silvia M. Perez-Carrillo, Jade Pereyda-Gonzalez, Julia Cano-Sosa, Alberto Uc-Varguez, Ana Ramos-Diaz PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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