Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2019

Isn't it time to evaluate colonoscopy indications in young adults?

Savas Bayrak, Cihad Tatar, Hasan Okmen, Fatih Dal, Ekrem Cakar, Sukru Colak, Bunyamin Gurbulak, Hasan Bektas

Abstract :

The circumstances for which colonoscopy is indicated have been reported by many associations. Colonoscopy, which is an invasive procedure frequently used for diagnosis and treatment, has complications such as bleeding and perforation. The risks of the conoscopic procedure do not change with age, but the chance of finding a serious pathology on colonoscopy is much lower among young people. In light of these information,this study was planned to investigate the necessity of doing a colonoscopyin patients under 30 years of age and to reveal that clear and relative indications may vary with age or whether it should be changedwith age. 5625 colonoscopies, which were peformed in our the endoscopy unit between 01/01/2015 and 01/06/2016, were examined retrospectively. Patients who were asked to undergo colonoscopy with any clinical preliminary diagnosis but had normal colonoscopic findings had an incompatibility between diagnosis and examination (Group 1). Patients who had any clinical diagnosis after colonoscopy had a compatibility between diagnosis and examination(Group 2). A clinical diagnosis was made by colonoscopy in 109 (35.5%) of the patients with a clear indication for colonoscopy and in 90 (45.2%) of the patients with a relative indication for colonoscopy. Making a clinical diagnosis in the patients with a relative indication for colonoscopy was statistically significant (p=0.032).It was found that a clinical diagnosis was made 1.5 (1.042–2.16) times in the patients undergoing colonoscopy for relative indications. Indications for colonoscopy under 30 years should be reassessed. Perhaps even indications for each decade below 30 should be identified.

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ISN'T IT TIME TO EVALUATE COLONOSCOPY INDICATIONS IN YOUNG ADULTS?, Savas Bayrak, Cihad Tatar, Hasan Okmen, Fatih Dal, Ekrem Cakar, Sukru Colak, Bunyamin Gurbulak, Hasan Bektas PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019

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