Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

Innovation In Tooth Brushing-Blue Tooth Technology

Dr. H. Nilofer Farjana, Dr. S. Nanditha, Dr. Kalaivani

Abstract :


Tooth ush  aids in maintaining  the  oral  hygiene  by  cleaning  the teeth,  gums  and  tongue.  Dental plaque  is  the primary  causative  factor of gingival and periodontal disease. Thus  good  oral hygiene  by  effective  tooth  ushing  has a  key role  in  the  oral health.  Mechanical plaque removal  by tooth ushing  are over–the–counter  products  that needs  specific  ushing  technique  by  an individual  to  achieve  plaque  control.  It  remained  undisputed  until  the  discovery  of  electric tooth ush.  Electric tooth ush are comfortable  and  they  improved the  efficacy of  plaque  control  and  gingivitis.  They simulate  the manual motion of tooth ush. The  new  era  of  smart sensing technology  tooth ush  is  empowering  dental  professionals and  patients  to  make  positive  and  transformative  changes  to their  oral  health.  Even  an  average  individual  will  benefit from  its  use  thereby  improving  the  standard  in maintaining  oral  hygiene.  Henceforth  overall  health  of  an  individual  will  also  be  protected.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Innovation In Tooth Brushing-Blue Tooth Technology , Dr.H.Nilofer Farjana, Dr.S.Nanditha, Dr.Kalaivani , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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