Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018


Dr Ajay Kumar Nandmer, Dr Vijay Kumar Nandmer

Abstract :

 Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat or adipose tissues in relation to lean body mass. It may be due to an

abnormal growth of adipose tissues due to enlargement of fat cell size (hypertrophic) or an increase in fat cell number
[1] (hyperplastic.) or a combination of both (Park 2015) . Hyperplastic obesity is usually seen in childhood and weight reduction is
[2]. difficult in these cases (Pandsey S) Abdominal Obesity increases the risk of chronic complications like hypertension, diabetes,
[3,7 dyslipidemia
Numerous body composition assessment techniques are available and the more accurate technique include hydrostatic weighing,
dual energy X–ray absorptiometry (DEXA), CT scan and MRI. But in truth, these are very expensive, lacks practicality and expose the
patient to ionising radiation. Different anthropometric indices such as the waist circumference, waist–hip ratio have been used in
routine daily practice to estimate the amount of abdominal adipose tissue while BMI measure the overall obesity
Although, these measures are simple and convenient for epidemiological studies and a feasible mean of identification of
overweight and obese but it may not distinguishes between accumulation of subcutaneous abdominal fat and visceral fat.
In contrast to the disadvantages of CT, MRI, DEXA, anthropometry, abdominal USG is shown to be reliable, simple and low cost
method without radiation risk and convenient for assessing the amount of abdominal subcutaneous fat.
Hence this study was conducted to identify the association of abdominal subcutaneous fat with component of metabolic
syndrome like HTN type 2 DM and dyslipidemia.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr Ajay Kumar Nandmer, Dr Vijay Kumar Nandmer, IN INDIVIDUALS WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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