Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Impact of culture and climate supportiveness on academic stress and stress management : A developmental analysis

Ruchi Joshi, Aradhana Shukla

Abstract :


The aim of this study was to find out the impact of gender, climate variation and climate supportive was on stress management in cultural perspective. It was contended that variation in stress management would be influenced by variation in gender, climate variation, climate supportive ness and cultural differences. Two hundred fourth participants in the age range of late child hood and early adolescence served as participants and they were arranged according to the requirements of 4–way factorial design with three variations of culture, two  types of gender, two types of climate variation and two levels of climate supportiveness. Academic stress and tress management scale was used to assess the magnitude of academic stress and stress management in participants. Data were analyzed by 4–way ANOVA and it was found that all main effects and interactions laid their impact on stress management.

       Findings were interpreted in terms of gender, climate and cultural variation as affectors of stress management. At last, suggestions were made to raise the mental faculty of underprivileged society.

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Impact of culture and climate supportiveness on academic stress and stress management : A developmental analysis , Ruchi Joshi, Aradhana Shukla , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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