Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Impact of Cabotage Law Relaxation on Coastal Shipping in India

Kartik Mahajan

Abstract :

For long there has been a debate about the relaxation of Cabotage Law in India. It has often been referred to as a protectionist law prevalent in Indian coastal shipping business. On May 21st 2018 the government of India finally relaxed the law making it easy for foreign flagged vessels to carry coastal cargo in India. The international trade diaspora has recognized it as a positive move in a direction to boost coastal shipping in India. Though the move is focused on easing the coastal shipping business but least emphasis has been paid to the concern of existing domestic stakeholders like Major port trust and India ship–owner who don’t feel synonymous to the larger view of cabotage relaxation helping the Indian coastal shipping. With many existing domestic stakeholders referring the move as neo–colonist there is a risk of foreign flag vessels forcing India owners to losses. This is an attempt to understand what will be the impact of Cabotage Law relaxation on coastal shipping in India.

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Kartik Mahajan, Impact of Cabotage Law Relaxation on Coastal Shipping in India, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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