Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

ICT for the Development of Tourism in Assam

Binoy Kumar Mazumdar

Abstract :

Assam bears ampletourism potential. Tourism may be a keysegmentfor harnessing overall development to the state. Its natural beauty, historicity, cultural diversities, customs, culinary arts and ethnic cuisine are considered to be primary sources of tourists’ attraction.  The induction of the modern means of communication has expedited the tourism sector in Assam by disseminating the right information among the aspirants. The tourism sector in the state already has assumed the industrial shape by dint of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) with rapid pace. The concerned authority has started to maintain all types of operational activities, service quality and gathered experiences. Technology has changed the ideas and habits of the prospective tourists in the globe and started to facilitate right information without any hassle to them by the rampant use of technology. Habits of availing facilities and searching information by the respondents have also been changed. Now the ideas related with chatting the information and its shå have acquired a new momentum due to the consistent use technology. The paper intends to decipher the importance of ICT in the process of developing tourism sector for mutual shå and accessing proper data. Besides it, the empirical study aims to focus the utility of ICT and its relationship withthe overall growth & development of tourism sector in our state. 

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Binoy Kumar Mazumdar, ICT for the Development of Tourism in Assam, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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