Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

How Feasible The Behavioural Interventions In Controlling The Diabetes In Older Adults - A Tryout

Jithender Narayan, Gayathri, A. , Padmavathamma, M. , Prof. D. Jamuna

Abstract :

 Type 2 diabetes is predominantly, but not exclusively, a disease of the middle–aged and elderly. The diagnosis of diabetes itself is regarded as an emotionally upsetting event for many people with diabetes. Several group interventions have been designed and described, to help people to pass through the emotional turmoil they may face when confronted with a diagnosis of diabetes. A range of interventions that achieve benefits in these areas provide a base for developing versatile programs to promote healthy coping. the present study is contemplated with an objective to examine the effect of behavioural interventions to reduce the levels of blood sugar in older adults. The intervention results pertaining to diabetic sample indicated that all the interventions (Psycho education + Dietary Counseling + simple regimen of exercises + Relaxation+ Meditation) together were found to be highly effective compared to other types of interventions. A total sample of 120 diabetic male and female subjects 80 (Mean age = 65. 3 years) were enrolled for the study on interventions for diabetes. Based on the background information of individuals, intervention module covering psycho educational programmes, dietary counseling, physical exercises were provided along with Relaxation & meditation. Results revealed that majority of subjects with diabetes mellitus were benefied by these intervention sessions.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Jithender Narayan, K., Gayathri, A., Padmavathamma, M., Prof. D. Jamuna, How Feasible The Behavioural Interventions In Controlling The Diabetes In Older Adults‾A Tryout, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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