Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018


Dr Vijaykumar Biradar, Dr V T Beena, Dr R Rajendran, Dr Moinak Banerjee

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND:A significant association of certain human leukocyte antigens (HLA) and haplotypic pairs with oral submucous

fiosis (OSF) has been reported. However, controversial result of no HLA association with OSF has also been reported. In order to
determine which, if any, HLA markers were associated with an increased risk of oral submucous fiosis, we investigated HLA
antigens in 25 patients with oral submucous fiosis and in 51 controls without oral submucous fiosis. The main research aim
was to assess the association of HLA–A10, HLA–B7, HLA–B8, HLA–B51/52 HLA–DR3 & HLA–Cw7 with OSF.
METHODS:The analysis of HLA–A10, HLA–B7, HLA–B8, HLA–B51/52 HLA–DR3 & HLA–Cw7alleles in OSF patients and healthy
control subjects, was performed by serologic DNA typing using polymerase chain reaction with sequence–specific primers (PCRSSP),
OBSERVATION AND RESULTS: 25 patients with OSF and 51 controls were considered for compå the allele frequencies with
respect to HLA–A10, HLA–B7, HLA–B8, HLA–B51/52 HLA–DR3 & HLA–Cw7. Chi–square test and Fisher‘s Exact Test were used to
test the significance of the allelic frequencies with respect to various alleles and gender. For significance, a two–tailed ‘p‘ value of
less than 0.05 was considered. None of the alleles were significant with respect to cases and controls and also within cases,
between Males and Females. One of the reasons for non–significance may be because of the inadequate number of sample in
each of the categories.
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION:To our knowledge, this is the first study on HLA–alleles association with OSF in an Indian
population. Ethnic factors are considered to be a major variable for evaluating the predisposition to the disease .Further studies
involving larger sample size would be helpful in elucidating the exact role of HLA antigens in the pathogenesis of OSF. Studies like
this which are related to individual gene would help by contributing to the existing scientific knowledge and providing a better
understanding of this condition. This will help not only the individual at risk but also help to formulate intervention strategies
towards better management of these individuals.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr Vijaykumar Biradar, Dr V T Beena, Dr R Rajendran, Dr Moinak Banerjee, HLA TYPING IN KERALA PATIENTS WITH ORAL SUBMUCOUS FIBROSIS, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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