Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2019


Dr Asmita Sharma, Dr Hiroj Bagde, Dr Pv Sunil Reddy, Dr Pramod V, Dr Abhilasha Singh, Dr Shailendra S Singh Chaturvedi

Abstract :

Pyogenic granuloma is a tumor like enlargement of gingiva. It is non– neoplastic in nature. The exact nature of the systemic conditioning factor is unknown.1 It most commonly involves gingiva in the oral cavity.2 Pyogenic granuloma is similar in clinical and microscopic appearance to the conditioned gingival enlargement seen during pregnancy. The differential diagnosis is based on the patient’s history. It arises in response to chronic low grade local irritation, traumatic injury, hormonal factors or any drugs. Pyogenic granuloma is smooth, red erythematous papule with a pedunculated or sessile base which hemorrhagic and compressible.3 Development of lesion is slow or rapid, asymptomatic and painless. Color of the lesion changes as it grows old from pink to red to bluish red.4 This case series depicts such an array of different histological reportings for cases of pyogenic granuloma.

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HISTOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CASES OF PYOGENIC GRANULOMA‾A CASE REPORT, Dr Asmita Sharma, Dr Hiroj Bagde, Dr PV Sunil Reddy, Dr Pramod V, Dr Abhilasha Singh, Dr Shailendra S Singh Chaturvedi PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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