Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2019


S. Anuradha, Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff

Abstract :

Healthcare in India is undergoing a change that will meet the demands of the citizens from the village to the metropolitan city level. The National Health policy announced in 2017 is focused on “wellness”of patients and guarantees healthcare with suitable insurance to cover from primary to tertiary care. Ayushman Bharat Mission is a policy that promotes healthcare with a center–state co–operation. Program Indra Dhanush aims to cover immunization of children in rural and urban areas including those who were not covered in the previous program like Pulse Polio. In general healthcare is to provide and promote quality care, focus on emerging diseases and invest in promoting and preventive healthcare. The policy is patient centric and quality driven. It addresses health security and make in India free for drugs and devices. As National Health Policy varies from State to State according to the political, historical and socio–economic situation prevailing in the country an attempt is made to shorten the gap and make it a universally applicable.

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HEALTH CARE DELIVERY IN INDIA-SWOT ANALYSES, S. Anuradha, Dhastagir Sultan Sheriff PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2019

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