Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Haematological Study of Arsenic Exposed Population of Bhojpur district of Bihar

Farida Bano, Anju Kumari

Abstract :


In the Indian subcontinent, the ground water poses a major threat of exposing animals and human beings to toxic level of arsenic in some geographical locations. High arsenic levels in groundwater have also been reported in some areas in Bhojpur district of Bihar and number of deaths have been recorded due to arsenic poisoning. The present study aims to assess the haematological parameters in blood samples of the village people of arsenic hit areas of Bhojpur district of Bihar. The study was conducted on 100 volunteers (51 male & 49 female) of arsenic hit area of Bhojpur district. The present observation showed that arsenic did not had any adverse effect on haemoglobin, however arsenic exposure reduced the RBC level in male & female both. The level of PCV, MCV, MCH & MCHC were also altered in the study. 

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Haematological Study of Arsenic Exposed Population of Bhojpur district of Bihar , Farida Bano, Anju Kumari , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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