Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal cream used in treatment of Arthritis A Research.

Parveen Ruhil, Vivek Kumar, Neha Minocha

Abstract :

 Herbal cream are the prepartions used by human beings in the treatment of various diseases . The aim of the present research was to formulate the herbal cream for the treatment of very painful disease  i.e arthritis (Arthritis is a disease generally include joint pain , stiffness , swelling and decreased range of motion of the effected joints) . The present formulation is composed of Acacia Arabica (Kiker) from species Acacia nilotica (linn) , Linseed oil and oil of menthol , camphor and Ajwain (carom seed)  . The herbal cream is formulated by two phase system one is oil phase and another is aqueous phase . Herbal cream is formed by using the infusion technique with this technique the formulation was found to be the best one and it gives accurate result . Cream was tested for its consistency and evalution , with the result it has been found that Acacia Arabica (Kiker) posses  anti– inflammatory , analgesic properties. The cream is evaluated for Colour , Foreign particle , Extrudability etc  by which  the percent of active constituent Acacia Arabica was found to be 98.9 , Colour of cream was found to be  pale yellowish ,  the spreadibility was found to be easily spreadable on  skin surface after application  , the extrudability was found to be 92 % and passes all the parameters 

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Parveen Ruhil, Vivek Kumar, Neha Minocha, Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal cream used in treatment of Arthritis A Research., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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